Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Rani Mahal

It was as if a dream come true for me as I was included in the hiking team. On the Saturday morning (27th Dec), we headed our journey to Palpa. The van was carrying more members than its capacity but we were all busy on our funny talks and gossips. After 8 hours of hectic and continuous drive from Bishalnagar, we reached Tansen Bazaar “Pearl of Palpa”. We dined in one of the famous restaurants in Tansen and planned for the awaited morning. We longed to roam the Tansen Bazar, but we opted to have a rest so that we could store energy for the next day’s trip, our destination to the renowned RaniMahal “The Taj Mahal of Nepal”.
Next morning, with high spirit and beautiful picture of Ranimahal in our mind, we initiated our hike at around 7 am in the morning from “Batase Dada ” with a steep descent to the valley of ‘BarandiKhola’. We had only the packets of biscuits and bottles of water to satisfy our hunger. It was not easy walking along the narrow pebble trail. Moreover, the path was slippery and wet with fog which made it assiduous. We descended down the Palpali red soil with photo sessions amidst the graceful and elegant sites of the springs, waterfall and mountains.
The elegance of nature, the perfection of mountain ranges, the magnificence of the scenery, the fabulous waterfall simply made us spellbound. And we could not resist ourselves clicking the cameras, even from our mobile sets.
It was more than two and half hours we hit the road, the Ranighat palace was still a distant mirage and we were beginning to get a wee bit despondent. We inquired the villagers as how farther the palace is and they answered it to be around an hour. With hope to see the palace soon we climbed down quickly for an hour, but the palace was still out of sight. Then we interpreted that the villagers are rather skeptical of distances and time in the hills. We were egging each other to reach the destination and boosting the energy with various jokes and experiences of previous hikes.
As we climbed a ridge and rounded a bend in the trail, the Ranighat palace came into view. The panoramic view of the complex was stunning. However, the location was remote and idyllic by the bask of the majestic Kali Gandaki. Nevertheless, we were so delighted and content to be there. Far far away from the cacophony of urban civilizations, the natural heritage was so soothing.
We wondered how people could have transported the construction materials to such remote place and also felt something eerie about an outstanding building located in that distant area. Despite the beauty of the building it was not preserved and the interior were covered with foul languages and were in ruin. The palace could be conserved and renovated. Such a magnificent monument and no one to admire it. (read less)

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